Wednesday, March 28, 2012


It's a funny thing because we go through our lifetime trying to distinguish the likes and the Loves from one another.  What we as over thinkers tend to overlook is the sample fact that there is only one true love.  Unfortunately for us, we will never be able to see the difference. Why? Because it all feels the same at the moment it counts.  However, mostly because of where exactly it affects ones self.  Simple Love tend to resign in our mind.  So what ever we think is love, which is our perception of what its supposed to be is how we receive and accept the love.  True love in the other hand, takes place in our soul and our heart.  It becomes more than just a feeling, we are interconnected to the feeling.  That interconnection makes it as significant as an organ such as our heart or lung. It might take a life time before one can truly say their in love or it might be love at first sight. Some gain it and loose it forever.  Some even regain it back but some will pass it by and never see it again.  Sometimes many get into something similar and end up finding out that, that wasn't it.  Some by the time they realize it wasn't it, they loose themselves trying to fix that misinterpretation. As in for me, I've dealt with similar feelings; however, I don't look forward nor care anymore to ever find "IT".

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Color Blind

Yellow flower blue sky
My Heart speaking so why shall I
Yellow flower blue sky
I never understood love or the lie
Yellow flower blue sky
Heaven's heaven and earth is he'll
Yellow sky blue flower
Cris crossed but never lost


Incarcerated with so much anger
Forgetting what ones purpose might be
The words articulate themselves
Without my knowledge
They could pierce holes in ones heart
Or even damage ones perspective of I
Careless is what is shown as a side affect to these damages
Then self is found feeling all sorts or moral apologies
Whether accepted by the scared
We care but try to not show as much sympathy
One might be sadden by their own stoned, brutal thing we call words
Theyre like aka 47s
But even worst damages
So much for a world of peace
You ask our gloried father for forgiveness and yet act so unfaithful and saved.
The reality of the devils work on me


A man
As ones mind set is told
The characteristics of a man
It can never be misunderstood
Or misinterpreted
Once a man starts lacking the characteristics
They become less of what they are
They're disrespected
Shun upon
And neglected as societies strength
Respect is something that is given
It's a feeling
But productive when the right action is made
A man who has lost his purpose and it's significant characteristics, is a man lacking self respect and gaining nothing but disrespect from the outside world.


She the strength of the hundred people
The strength of this hurricane on its way to destroy
The strength of a Tylenol when ones head is pounding with excruciating pain
The strength of that unknown individual who everyone loves and respect but yet no one knows
It's the strength of loosing a child and being strong for everyone affected
It's the strength of being disrespected yet caring so much for those who disrespect
It's putting on a smile so that the outside world is unaware of the lack of patience
It's knowing that there is no good outcome to blunt situation but yet making the best out of it.
The strength I know is the woman that didn't carry me for 9 months
But carried me for 10 years
Through the good the bad
The negative outburst
To understanding while keeping a big picture
The one woman who may get me mad and then sad and then happy
To my mother.


It's amazing how things work out in life.
You stumbled upon what you perceived as the perfect guy.
Time passes and everything seems to be falling right into place.
But there's a problem..
Your feelings aren't as coherent to his.
Somehow, someway they become more interacted.
But that's when things start changing.


Distance has never been a problem for me but this one kills me.
Not because there's actual distance, because you're right in front of me.
But because we are so distant from our reality
But most importantly
From everything we planned to be
It's not even painful pain
Just the torturing thoughts
Not of you so far
Nor me so close
But Because we are so lost in an elusion so confusing, even the smartest scholar couldn't understand
But anyways
I've made the choice to go the only way
And that's far away

Realizations 19

When your home becomes an unfamiliar place, you feel captured with pain and uncomfortable thoughts. You find yourself wishing for better days and for someone to understand the restraints that that unfamiliarity can have on your daily life. Communication isn't the same and most times relationships become tormented by misleading assumptions. And though one might find strength to smile and at times act like things are nonchalant and hopefully it'll get better, sometimes it just doesn't. The affects are so critical, that it's nearly impossible to see the light on the other side of the scary unpredictable tunnel. We might also understand that nobody's perfect but if you're somebody with a conscious you have to understand that simple fact yourself.  We weren't created to be perfect to the world but we were created to be perfect to one person while being imperfect.  That's a critical view that most seem to skip over and avoid but avoiding it will only cause self confusion and lack of identity. Without a grip on who you are or who your bound to be, you've lost lost your purpose and life will not be as meaningful to you as the people who are aware.

Drunken Nights

As I intoxicate myself with one last drink, I'm regretting the other 3.  
It wasn't late but it felt late. 
My focused body was as confused as my thoughts and emotions. 
My head spun around and this feeling was different.
 I felt like an astronaut on the moon but without the proper gear. 
People use this to escape from reality and waking up the next morning, I thought last night was all a dream.
 I look at my clock, 6:15 am.  Looked at the messages and the missed calls and smelled the puke. 
This wasn't  a dream and this headache and the slight disconnection with reality proves that last night wasn't my night. 
First thing I thought about was, how thirsty I was. 
Second was how upset my mother was and how my father would be. 
Third, the disappointment I'm slowly becoming.  I was off to college next semester (September) and this isn't the person I want to be there. 
Last but not least, how disgusted I was with myself. I was constantly shaking and my head wasn't feeling any better. I had to apologize to so many people for my very inconsiderate and drunken behavior....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sweet Home: R.I.P

Rest In Peace to those who lost their lives in the Earthquake that struct Haiti.  May the Lord be with those who lost someone very dear to their hearts. 

Sweet home inflicted by Mother Nature.
Natives confused
Many blame the forces of evil in my sweet home
Many called it a disaster
Two years yet feeling like two weeks
Two years families lying on the dirty pavements of my sweet home
The afflictions are apparent.
Bodies heaped
No discrimination in age or gender
Children, mothers, fathers, brothers, aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, black, white, females and males.
No discrimination in the capacity of those hurt.
My sweet home
Filled with sweet people with such selfish greedy attitudes
Where’s the money?
Where’s the food?
I see the helping people but where’s the improvements.
Scared, internally and externally
The mountains are disfigured
The plants are crying
The animals are defaulted
The seas are bleeding
The trees are annihilated
My sweet home is lacerated
Still there’s a force of warmth and joy
My sweet people celebrate life everyday
My sweet people celebrate the lost souls
My sweet people have the strength of tigers
The hearts of our mothers
And the spirit of our angels
My sweet home
Damaged but yet desirably filled with courage.