Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Self-improvement can be difficult and before 2011 started I had many goals to reach and many obstacles set in front of me.  I wanted to improve a lot and in many different areas.  Areas like school and really finding myself and my purpose.  I had some obstacles in 2011, when I lost my brother in March.  I found myself slipping in school and being very anti-social.   I didn’t want to be in school nor talk to anyone.  I build a wall where trust wasn’t going out of and neither was it being received.  It took me a few weeks before I could snap out of this grieving stage and this stage of self-blame and negativity.  I realized my brother loved me and didn’t want me to be flunking school nor being so restricted.  It was at that moment that I learned that I had the potential to grab myself from a low place and overcome those obstacles that turned me into someone I wasn’t.
When I graduated high school I was very sure of myself that I was going to go to Colby Sawyer College.  Unfortunately I was hit with a huge problem called, money.  In the fall of 2010 I was forced due to my lack of financial support, to go to Bunker Hill.  I wasn’t very happy about it.  My parents talked me into it and honestly I really didn’t care much.  When 2011 came I thought to myself, work hard and try seeing if Colby Sawyer will accept you with the Progressive Scholarship.  That’s exactly what I did, I worked hard through the spring semester of 2011 and in the fall I was told that I go the scholarship, full tuition.  Through this whole experience I sat back after hearing the great news and realized my determination.  I realized I had a determination and ambition not only in school but in everything I wanted in life. 
Examples like my iPod touch.  I was determined to get it but when it first came out I didn’t get it like everyone else.  I saved up and waited for the opportunity and I ended up getting it.  Another example is my phone.  The same as the IPod touch when it came out I really wanted it and knew that it was going to take hard work to get it.  I asked around and no one wanted to help so again I worked hard and got it. My whole point here is although delayed, everything I’ve wanted so far in life, I’ve gotten.  Moreover throughout 2011, I’ve been able to realize and target my strength and weakness.  I work really well under pressure and I think that’s a strength and a weakness.  Most importantly I realized my potentials to be the best in whatever it is I do.  My drive is out of control and I do have an extreme competitive side of me.  As the bad has occured in my life this year of 2011, the good has over shine many of the bad.  Of course my brother’s death can never be over shined by any event because it did have a dramatic change in my life; however, I use my brother as an angel guiding me through everything I do and I truly believe god and him are the ones who helped me realize my strength.

1 comment:

  1. Laura,

    interesting post. It was good to see you reflecting upon your progress through the year. You specifically identified the damaging behaviors that held you back.

    This was the first time you went into detail about the circumstances that caused you not to attend college directly out of high school. It was helpful to understanding the full story.

    The last paragraph was hard to understand because you were trying to end and put a lot of ideas in it. I understood the general premise of being determined and working hard for goals. The clarity could have been better. Just read that paragraph out loud and perhaps you will see the same thing.
